Day 42: Leviticus 14-16; Matthew 26:57-75

It's the blushing stuff, especially Leviticus 15 in our reading for today. These are the facts of life, nothing hidden or made less awkward or offensive. These laws make sense. If you consider a million plus people camping in an arid running water, no indoor plumbing, conditions rife for the spreading of disease...all of these laws protect a nation from a deadly outbreak that could decimate a population. They are a reminder that clean living has its own rewards in health and vitality. It interests me that someone made this observation at our Wednesday night supper table. People who live well and clean, generally enjoy the benefits in life. The conversation went one step further. When we honor God in all of life, the blessing tends to overflow spiritually...even from generation to generation. God's plan to bless His children is also His desire. He wants to honor all who give Him His rightful place in loving obedience and living surrender. I am grateful for a heritage that has borne this out, and I pray that the legacy I leave will testify to the same. God's way is the best way! Walk in it.

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