Day 296: Mark 9-10; Psalm 125
by Jonathan Merki on October 22nd, 2024
The disciples lived with You, walked with You, heard You teach, saw You interact with people and perform signs and wonders. How beyond amazing that must have been. And, yet, You said it was necessary for You to go so that the gift of the Holy Spirit may be ours. That we may walk in the truth and live empowered and holy lives, this is Your design and desire. Thank You that You have made this way po...  Read More
Day 295: Mark 6-8; Psalm 124
by Jonathan Merki on October 21st, 2024
Whatever popular opinion about You might be, Lord Jesus Christ, does not matter as much as our personal knowledge of You (Mark 8:27-30). We know You are the Way, Truth, and Life. We know You are the Savior of the world. We know that You are Living Water, Bread from heaven, the Resurrection and the Life, the Vine in Whom we abide. You are Everything! Apart from You, we have nothing and are nothing....  Read More
Day 294: Mark 4-5; Psalm 123
by Jonathan Merki on October 20th, 2024
O Master over the storms of nature and the storms of life, Master me.  O Lord Who speaks peace in the squall and to those enslaved by the enemy, be Lord to me. O Healer of the desperate who have almost lost all hope and of those who seem beyond all hope, heal me. O Lamb of God and Lord of Life, hear not only my prayer, but receive my praise, worship and adoration....  Read More
Day 293: Mark 1-3; Psalm 122
by Jonathan Merki on October 19th, 2024
Lord Jesus, everywhere You went You amazed people with Your presence, compassion, power, and authority. Today, may we ponder Your gift of Life and Love to us...of Yourself...and may we still stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene. With deep gratitude we pray in Your Name. Amen!...  Read More
Day 292: Matthew 27-28; Psalm 121
by Jonathan Merki on October 18th, 2024
Lord, today would You make us aware that You have called us to follow You always, and that following You means inviting others into this journey of being Your disciple and becoming more like You moment by moment. Thank You that this is a prayer You long to answer. So, with confidence we ask in the Name of Jesus. Amen....  Read More
Day 291: Matthew 25-26; Psalm 120
by Jonathan Merki on October 17th, 2024
In this day and age of misinformation and disinformation, and much of it coming from those who blame others for it; when even those who are supposed to be equitable and unbiased become the example of bias and deceit, thank You that Jesus is the Truth. He is the Truth unchanged and unchanging. There is no deceit in Him. So, with confidence we pray with the Psalmist: "Save me, LORD, from lying lips ...  Read More