Day 110: 1 Samuel 30-31; Luke 17:20-37; Day 12 Prayer Journey

(They were thinking of their sons and daughters. But David found strength in Yahweh his Elohim.) (1 Samuel 30:6b, NoG).

Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is already among you. (Luke 17:20b-21, NLT).

Today in our Prayer  Journal we were reminded of how easy it is to focus on what's happening around us, even good things...signs and wonders, dreams and visions. A miss-focused, or distracted vision is very dangerous. Like David and his soldiers, who were understandably devastated by their loss of city and property, and more so by their missing sons and daughters. What they saw was devastation and despair and they were ready to act out of anger. David, on the other hand, found strength in the LORD his God. His vision was not fixed on was focused beyond them on the faithful, promise-keeping and every present God of power and might. Jesus' questioners wanted signs and wonders first...they could not even see the the Kingdom of God was among them and God, Himself was in their midst. Miss-placed vision.
Our prayer journal calls us to account: "Anointed dreaming and clear vision require right thinking and being" (Bonnie Perry - see Joel 2:28). I love her prayer: "Thank you, Father, that you desire to give us vision for the future you have in mind. Purify our hearts, that we may have ears to hear and eyes to see your direction." Amen! The Kingdom of God is within our midst! Live Kingdom lives.

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