Day 128:1 Kings 17-18; John 1; Day 30 Prayer Journey

@ 3 mph

"Come and see," was Jesus' simple invitation (John 1:39). None other than the wilderness prophet, the wild man, John the Baptizer, had pointed his followers to Jesus. They were curious. Most prophets made declarations, Jesus the Rabbi gave an invitation. He Who calls us to be disciplemakers started His earthly ministry (after His baptism and Holy Spirit preparation) by inviting people to be His disciples. "Come, walk with me. Eat with me. Lay your head to rest where I lay mine. Learn from my living how to live, give, serve and disciple." Simply put, connect...upwards and outwards. It's amazing how quickly Philip repeated the invitation to his friend, Nathaniel (John 1:46).

Today our Prayer Journal calls us to a marvelous simplicity and asks us a pointed question: "Am I living in the simple calling to connect?" In our frenetic world, Jay Height, then challenges us to live at a pace that allows us to connect, to make the invitation: "Come and see." Slow down. Live life at three miles per hour...that's the speed at which Jesus walked, connecting. It might be a little outdated, but maybe #@3mph should be a thing. Just saying.

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