Day 137: 2 Kings 18-19; John 6:22-59; Day 39 Prayer Journey

Jesus said, "The one who comes to me I will never cast out." (John 6:37b)

I found today's Prayer Journal reading from Matthew 9:38 (a passage we have studied recently) very compelling. Meditate on these few words by David Goodwin, its author.

"The instruction in today's scripture comes from a reservoir of love bigger than the universe itself. The gut-wrenching compassion of Jesus compels him to enlist his followers in praying for the harvest...Jesus sees people. He truly sees them...he teaches his disciples to pray for the fruit of the kingdom to be manifest in human lives...The grace of God is already at work in the hearts of all! Do you believe this? Jesus' heart aches for the hurting and lost. He wants you to get a taste of it too."

"May we [who have experienced grace upon grace] have eyes to see the stirrings of your grace in the lives of all" Amen!

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