Day 140: I Chronicles 1-3; John 7:32-53; Day 42 Prayer Journal

The promise of Jesus (John 7:37-39) is for the fulfillment of the mission He authorized and commissioned His disciples to engage (Mark 16:15). Quite clearly the promise was fulfilled on Pentecost (Acts 2:1f) and has not ceased to be the mission of all Jesus' followers. We are to go everywhere with this Great Good News: Jesus saves...completely! Here is the reminder to the timid and doesn't depend on us alone. In fact, it depends entirely on God, the Holy Spirit, in us and through us...we are the vessels of His work, His hands, His feet, His voice. All we have to do is live surrendered, live connected to Him. When we do, then we embrace the admonition of Justin Pickard in our Prayer Journal: live your faith and share your life. It's amazing what God can do through a life given over to Him, filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit, shared with the world!

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