Day 144: 1 Chronicles 11-13; John 9:1-23; Day 46 Prayer Journal

Tell me if you agree, Jesus' favorite day for healing someone was on the Sabbath. He does so again in John 9 (see vv.14 and 16). Sabbath was sacred. It was a day given to worshiping God, to resting from daily labor so one could be restored in God's presence and reflection on Torah and God's blessing was essential. The funny thing about Jesus' accusers is that they always worked on the was their job to lead people in their worship and reflection of Torah. What would THE RABBI be teaching us all about God and Sabbath? That surrender and obedience leads to healing and well-being. That God cares deeply about personal relationship over religious formality and structure. That the religion of the day had lost its life because it had lost its focus on the Author of life. That there is power in true worship...that God is not far away, but wants to offer us Himself as we come looking to Him. Looking to Him opens our eyes! We could go on...

Good Jewish worshipers greet one another: Shabbat Shalom! In true rest in Yahweh we find total well-being. Give yourself entirely to Him and you will find who you truly are and what your life is really all about!

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