40 Days of Prayer and Fasting - Day 38

Day 38 – Tuesday October 24th
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
-Matthew 9:37-38

Have you ever stood among a field of wheat that stretches as far as the eye can see and is ready for harvest? It is beautiful to watch breezes gusts chase one another and cause ripples across the field of grain in the afternoon sun. At the same time, standing there and looking over the vastness of the crop with nothing but a single hand-held sickle, it can feel like an impossible task that will never be complete. We can get the same sensation stepping into the work that God has called us to and looking out upon the plentiful harvest. We must Remember that we are not called to all of the work. We are called to be faithful in what God has called us to do, and to pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers into his harvest field. As you pray, seek to discern or REcall what your particular calling is. Pray for a REkindling of passion for that which you are called to, and pray for more workers to be sent out.

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