Day 324: Ezekiel 20-21; James 1

Note: I have had trouble connecting to Subsplash. If you care to read my thoughts...I make no can find Days 322/323 on our church app under 'Messaging' and 'Millville Church of the Nazarene.' Thanks for your kindness and your patience.

'Pure and undefiled religion' is defined by James (James 1:27) as caring well for widows and orphans, and keeping unstained by the world. You and I could say this in another way. It is loving God and loving others. It really is the Great Commandment (Mark 12:29-31).  When we love God with all we are, then we live to be like Him and do not want anything in our lives that does not bring Him joy. By His Spirit, we remain 'unstained by the world.' Because His Spirit is in us, we 'love our neighbor as ourselves.' Someone once asked Jesus to define 'neighbor' and was given this amazing parable to illustrate the point...neighbors are everywhere there is a need, and what greater need is there than Jesus as Savior. So, I care for the helpless and hopeless, the least and the lost, in tangible ways so I can introduce them to the One I love and live for. When we talk about 'living thanks/thanksliving' this is what we mean.

Let my religion be 'pure and undefiled' because my heart belongs to You, my God. And, let everything I do grow out of my heart of gratitude for Your great love and amazing grace. Amen!

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