Day 39: Leviticus 16-17; Psalm 39

“Hear my prayer, O LORD, and listen to my cry; Do not be silent at my tears;
For I am Your temporary guest, A sojourner like all my fathers." (Psalm 39:12, AMP)

Abba, Father.
Today I was reminded of my childhood as a missionary's kid. My parents would periodically re-apply for 'permanent resident' status...better than 'temporary residents' but still not truly permanent. I was born there. I was a citizen. Permanent residents got to stay for a season. I belonged. As the Psalmist cries out to you, I hear him claiming his 'permanent residence' as a temporary guest and a sojourner...just passing through. That, too, was the status of the children of Israel. They were passing through the wilderness on the way to the promise. It might not be a bad thing for me to see myself as a sojourner, a pilgrim. As the old song writer said, "This world is not my home, I'm only passing through." Paul reminds me that my citizenship is in heaven. I belong there, for eternity. What a glorious hope and privilege! In the meantime, please guide my sojourn here on earth. Be the Center of my pilgrimage, the Light to guide my path, the Guardrail to keep me on the Way, and the Goal toward which I travel. Hear my prayer, O LORD. Amen.


Natalie Barringer - February 8th, 2024 at 9:26am

"... the Light to guide my path..." - these are comforting thoughts. So needed today.

- February 9th, 2024 at 8:08am

Thank God for His faithfulness! Shalom!