Blessing Our Community - Day 37

DAY 37 - Monday, May 6, 2024

Matthew 9:36

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Scripture Insights
By nature, I’m a problem solver. It’s part of my biological makeup as well as part of the work I do. I want to help. So when someone shows me or tells me about something that is broken, I naturally want to get to work and throw out ideas about how to fix it. Usually, I try diagnosing what happened to make things
go wrong in the first place before diving into any resolution. But sometimes,
I forget that every problem I encounter has a face or two attached to it. Jesus never forgets this. When he sees a problem, he knows there is a person on the other end.
Today’s scripture says he “had compassion.” The Greek word underneath our English translation is splanchna, which is refers to our “inward parts”— our intestines. So we can paraphrase this verse this way: “When Jesus saw the crowds, his guts hurt!”
In order to bless my community, I think my guts need to hurt a little more at the pain I see all around me.

Today’s Prayer
Our Father, Jesus always draws us deeper. May we see people as you see them today, not as problems to solve but as people to bless. May we lead all who follow us with a pain in our gut for those who feel harassed and helpless.

What is the Spirit saying to you today?

—Brett Rickey
CotN District Superintendent, Oregon Pacific

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