Day 179: Psalms 35-39

"In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin." (Psalm 36:2, NIV).

Lord, there are those things to which we do not aspire. Save us from ever being like 'the wicked,' like 'evildoers.' It feels as though we live in a world of self-flattery, of self-promotion that finds its fulfillment in satisfying every sense without thought of the gift the senses are from You. They justify their own evil actions and sear their own consciences by condemning others as they elevate themselves. Open their eyes to see what You see and to fear anything that hints at sin. Save them from themselves and the enemy. As You do this, keep us with eyes fixed on Jesus, abiding in His presence, living to please and glorify You. Amen!

1 Comment

Natalie Barringer - June 27th, 2024 at 10:18pm
