Day 201: Proverbs 29 - Ecclesiastes 1; Psalm 30

Thank You, Father, that Your anger is but for the moment and Your favor lasts a life-time...indeed, for all eternity. Though we weep in the night, You turn our mourning into dancing. Removing the covering of grief, joy truly does come in the morning...the morning of our salvation, the morning of Your shalom. Yes, we are sunrise/Son-rise people! So our praise cannot be silenced and our thanks will be eternal, for Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness is great! You are worthy of our worship and praise! Amen!


Natalie Barringer - July 20th, 2024 at 10:27am

I am so glad that God's anger " is but for the moment." Too often, we humans ( I am so guilty of this) carry resentment and bitterness for decades. Sometimes it is our " identity. " Only a forgiving and loving Maker can Help.

- July 21st, 2024 at 5:50am

Words of wisdom. Thank God He is our Help!