Day 216: Isaiah 42-44; Psalm 45

I sat by him on the airplane, one of Your chosen people so devoted to the rituals of his religion, so confident that he alone was right and everyone else wrong. I did not argue with him, that was futility, but did my best to be gracious and show Yeshua...and I prayed for him, for his soul to be set free from pharisaical rules and regulations so he could have a relationship with the God he said he embraced. Today I read the first 'Suffering Servant' song in Isaiah 42 and I thought about Reuben, my seatmate on the plane...and all his people You long to redeem and bring Home. Please, Holy Spirit, do Your work as only You can and draw him into that life in the Messiah that will set him free eternally. In the Name of Jesus. Amen!

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