Day 220: Isaiah 57-60; Psalm 49

In Your Word we are reminded of Your sovereign rule. In Your world we are reminded of the same. With all the knowledge of science, with all the remembrance of history, with all the grappling with social concerns, humanity is an utter failure apart from You, from Your sovereign and gracious rule. This week we have witnessed the failure of depending on science to predict rain, we can see the employment of selective memory in history both ancient and recent, and we are heart-broken by human-centered attempts to solve social issues that leave humanity in chaos and ruin. Father, draw us back to Yourself! Open the eyes of our nation, our world, to the hope that only comes from living in submission to Your sovereign will, that only comes through acknowledging Jesus as Savior and Lord. Forgive us! Save us! Help us! You alone are our Hope and our Shalom!


Maria - August 7th, 2024 at 8:53am


Natalie Barringer - August 7th, 2024 at 9:56am

I so agree. Man is ALWAYS found wanting and fallible. Only God has all the answers. And Perfect Love.

- August 8th, 2024 at 6:57am

Even so, come Lord Jesus!