Day 228: Jeremiah 16-18; Psalm 57

Jeremiah 18:5-10

Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
Thou art the potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after thy will,
while I am waiting, yielded and still.

Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
Hold o'er my being absolute sway.
Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only, always, living in me!

"Have Thine Own Way" (Adelaide Pollard, written in 1906)


Natalie Barringer - August 15th, 2024 at 9:52am

How many years have I been singing this in my mind? Used to sing it in my old Methodist church. It has such meaning. If I could only let go...

- August 18th, 2024 at 5:39am

Keep singing the repetition comes the affirmation. God will break through! Come, Holy Spirit, we need You!