Day 250: Ezekiel 19-20; Psalm 79

Restore Your glory, O LORD. Restore Your glory in the Church. May she shine with Your love and light in holiness. May she live for Jesus first and only. May she walk in step with the Holy Spirit because she lives in Spirit presence with Spirit purity in Spirit power. May she value the dignity of every person...created in Your image to reflect You. May she hold high the standard of the cross which reminds us to forgive, and living forgiven, to live daily more like Jesus and less like a culture engrossed in self. May every breath this day be a reminder of the gift of prayer, that which allows our souls to breathe. And may every prayer be for the coming of the Kingdom, Your Kingdom, Your will being done here, as also in Heaven. So, may everything that is said and done be for Your glory. Restore Your glory, O LORD.

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