Day 360: Revelation 3-6; Psalm 40

Father, as this year closes and a new year is about to dawn, may I love what You love and love like You love. May I always live present in Your presence. May I never tolerate evil in my own life, nor compromise, for that matter. May I always be fully alive in You and may the light of my life keep Your mission my priority, for You have opened doors that have allowed me to keep sharing this great Good News! May I never be lukewarm in my journey, but all in, on fire. I know this is only possible through a personal and intimate relationship with You, so I open the door of my heart to You. Come in, Lord Jesus. Come in, Holy Spirit. Amen!  


Natalie Barringer - December 26th, 2024 at 9:47am

So so glad that you are faithful and still “all in.” People and circumstances change. It is hard to get used to some of it. But God will always be there. So glad that I see some of His Love through your words and actions.

- December 27th, 2024 at 9:15pm

Thank you for your kindness!