Day 325: Acts 12-13; Psalm 4
by Jonathan Merki on November 20th, 2024
From the time of Acts 13 a great missionary movement has arisen that is still alive today, 2000 years later. Thank You that we are a part of such a church that fully embraces that mission until the Lord returns. We are grateful for the Church of the Nazarene and every other Church that understands that the Church only exists by mission. Help us never to abandon that mission, for to do so is to cea...  Read More
Day 324: Acts 10-11; Psalm 3
by Jonathan Merki on November 19th, 2024
Today we are filled with gratitude for Your desire for all to know You. Thank You that You show no favoritism (Acts 10:34-35) and that everyone is equally loved by and sought after by You and all heirs of the same promise and provision (Galatians 3:26-29). Thank You that You have pursued us to bring us into Your Family by Your great grace (Psalm 23:6; John 3:16-17). And, thank You that You have in...  Read More
Day 323: Acts 8-9; Psalm 2
by Jonathan Merki on November 18th, 2024
Laughter is not foreign to You, O Lord. Sometimes You laugh at the ludicrous...the notion that any nation, any organization, any person can believe for a moment that they can rule and overrule You (Psalm 2:4). You are Sovereign! Sometimes You laugh at the delivery of the impossible...the birth of a baby to a nonagenarian (Genesis 21:1-6) is a reminder that there is nothing beyond Your power or car...  Read More
Day 322: Acts 5-7; Psalm 1
by Jonathan Merki on November 17th, 2024
Father, Jesus instructed us to forgive. He prayed, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." One modern disciple wrote it this way, "Forgive us our sins and impositions on you as we are forgiving all who in any way offended us." Thank You for the example of Stephen who acted as his Lord did from the cross (Acts 7:59-60). Remind us that we are given grace in Your forgiveness tha...  Read More
Day 321: Acts 2-4; Psalm 150
by Jonathan Merki on November 16th, 2024
Holy Spirit, how we thank You for Your powerful ministry in and through Your newly born and baptized Church. Thank You for the record of Your presence and the example that brings us encouragement, at the same time, challenging us to live in Your present power and guidance. Thank You that history testifies to this same reality, that Your ministry has left its mark across the millennia. You are here...  Read More
Day 320: John 20-21; Acts 1; Psalm 149
by Jonathan Merki on November 15th, 2024
We believe! Because of the love of God our Father, revealed in the grace of Jesus Christ, His Son and our Lord, affirmed by the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in Whose felowship we abide, we believe! And, that is enough! Amen!...  Read More