Day 202: Ecclesiastes 2-6; Psalm 31
by Jonathan Merki on July 20th, 2024
Lord, it is true that we brought nothing into this world in our birth and we can take nothing from it in our death (Ecclesiastes 5:15). So, teach us to pray the 'end of the day' prayer that Jesus prayed so naturally from the cross: "Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit" (Psalm 31:5). In You alone will we find deliverance and in Christ alone is our salvation. And, if we have Jesus as the Lord...  Read More
Day 201: Proverbs 29 - Ecclesiastes 1; Psalm 30
by Jonathan Merki on July 19th, 2024
Thank You, Father, that Your anger is but for the moment and Your favor lasts a life-time...indeed, for all eternity. Though we weep in the night, You turn our mourning into dancing. Removing the covering of grief, joy truly does come in the morning...the morning of our salvation, the morning of Your shalom. Yes, we are sunrise/Son-rise people! So our praise cannot be silenced and our thanks will ...  Read More
Day 200: Proverbs 25-28; Psalm 29
by Jonathan Merki on July 18th, 2024
Father, today help us to have such confidence and security in your presence and love, that we may repay good for evil, that we may love those who hate us, and that we may bless those who curse us. These acts of loving kindness, may they be with the goal and mindset of showing how much You have loved the world, and what love cost Jesus on the cross, so that they may come to know the love that can s...  Read More
Day 199: Proverbs 20-24; Psalm 28
by Jonathan Merki on July 17th, 2024
LORD, we read in Your Word that unless the LORD builds a house, those who labor do so in vain (Psalm 127:1). Please build the houses of our families. Let wisdom, the applied knowledge of Your Word, be the foundation of our homes. Added to wisdom, may Your Holy Spirit give understanding, so that combined with the common sense You created in us, our surrendered lives may flourish. And, yes, may we g...  Read More
Day 198: Proverbs 16-19; Psalm 27
by Jonathan Merki on July 16th, 2024
O Lord, let wisdom be the hallmark of our homes. Give us homes where parents love You and love each other; where there is respect for differences and celebration of what is common; where honor is given to all and humility guides our living and learning; where laughter is heard coming from a wonderful familiarity and a refusal to take ourselves too seriously; where discipline is positive and forgiv...  Read More
Day 197: Proverbs 12-15; Psalm 26
by Jonathan Merki on July 15th, 2024
Here in Your Word we find the foundation for living. As we read the Proverbs, how practical can it get? Yet, wisdom seems to have fallen by the wayside and sometimes even Your children seem to engage folly. Today, help us simply to live what we know from Your Word. To do what we know we should and to avoid what we know does not please You. To act in love even while we speak the truth. To tell the ...  Read More