Day 132: 2 Kings 4-5; John 4:1-30; Day 34 Prayer Journey

"For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Galatians 5:14, CSB).

What a blessing it is when the Holy Spirit 'syncs' our Scripture reading! Our Prayer Journal verse (above) takes me to Luke 10:27 in which Jesus answers the question of the greatest commandment and then proceeds to define 'neighbor' in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37 - bonus reading 😊). Today's 'through the Bible' reading is a journey through the neighborhood and the way God loves to bless all people. There is the blessing of the provision of oil for the poverty-stricken widow with no hope for the immediate future and no future to offer  her sons. Then, the childless Shunamite woman with an elderly husband and no future security, whom God blesses through His prophet with a child and a future. God blesses the prophets for their faithfulness, protecting and providing. God blesses the epitome of an enemy, Naaman the chairman of the military joint chiefs of staff of Israel's number one opposing nation...he heals and saves the man eternally. Who can deny the blessing of eternal life that flowed from Jesus, transforming a Samaritan village of spiritual infidels, apostates, through the witness of a totally immoral woman whose life Jesus embraced and changed?

Yes, what a blessing it is when the Holy Spirit 'syncs' our Scripture reading! He must really want us to bless our neighbors today...whoever it is He leads us to bless. Indeed, it's impossible to avoid His inspiration and call, for the last word of Jesus in answer to who our neighbor is and how it is we  bless our neighbors is: "Go and do the same" (Luke 10:37).

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